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"I'll bet you a tenner. Ask Scrivens." Mr. Ventnor ejaculated: "Scrivens -but they're not " then, staring rather hard, he added: "I won't bet. You may be right. Scrivens are your father's solicitors too, aren't they? Always been sorry he didn't come to me. Shall we join the ladies?" And to the drawing-room he preceded a young man more uncertain in his mind than on his feet....

"You know my young friend, Mr. Robert Pillin, I think." The lady, whose bulk and bloom struck him to the point of admiration, murmured in a full, sweet drawl: "Oh! Ye-es. Are you from Messrs. Scrivens?" With the swift reflection: 'As I thought! Mr. Ventnor answered: "Er not exactly. I am a solicitor though; came just to ask about a certain settlement that Mr.

Next day he continued to brood over his puzzle, and no fresh light came; but having a matter on which his firm and Scrivens' were in touch, he decided to go over in person, and see if he could surprise something out of them.

Scrivens young Pillin had said! But Crow & Donkin, not Scriven & Coles, were old Heythorp's solicitors. What could that mean, save that the old man wanted to cover the tracks of a secret commission, and had handled the matter through solicitors who did not know the state of his affairs! But why Pillin's solicitors? With this sale just going through, it must look deuced fishy to them too.

All the same, fifty pounds was fifty pounds, and goodness knew how much more; and what did he know of Mrs. Larne, after all, except that she was a relative of old Heythorp's and wrote stories told them too, if he was not mistaken? Perhaps it would be better to see Scrivens'. But again that absurd nobility assaulted him. Phyllis! Phyllis!

Is that right?" And at the limpid assent of that rich, sweet voice, he thought: 'Fine woman; what eyes! "Thank you; that's quite enough. I can go to Scrivens for any detail. Nice young fellow, Bob Pillin, isn't he?" He saw the girl's chin tilt, and Mrs. Larne's full mouth curling in a smile. "Delightful young man; we're very fond of him."