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"And couldn't you save enough of the er Old Scratch's words to find out what the old boy was talkin' about?" "No. There was a hot fire. But to-day, when the second package came, I caught a glimpse of the printing on the wrapper. It was from The Psychical Research Society; I think that was it. There is such a society, isn't there?" "I believe so. I... Ssh! Careful, here he is."

"I want you to," he declared. "Yes, I mean it. I want you to come and live in this house for a month, anyhow. If you don't, that Powless woman will come back and buy every stick and rag on the place. I don't want to sell 'em, but I couldn't say no to her any more than I could to the Old Harry. I called her the Old Scratch's wife, didn't I," he added. "Well, I won't take it back."

Scratch's partner. Mr. Screw was very tall, very thin, and exceedingly yellow. He had thick yellow hair, streaked with gray. His face seemed bound in old parchment, and his eyes were like brass nails driven very deep, but bright and fixed when he spoke.

'Why, as to that haw, replied Sponge, stretching out his arms and legs to their fullest extent, and yawning most vigorously 'why, as to that, I can hardly say which you would call my country, for I have to do with so many; but I should say, of all the countries I am haw connected with haw Tom Scratch's is the worst. Mr. Jawleyford looked at Mrs.