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He brought his own rations, so hunger came no nearer. Hunger just lay down outside the door and did not notice the officer. A this supper the officer began to talk. The Kaiser himself, he said, was at the Schartzhaus. ``So, said Herr Schnitzelhaaser; ``just over the way. So close. Such an honour. And indeed the shadow of the Schartzhaus darkened their garden in the morning.

Through the open door she saw nothing; all was dark; even the Schartzhaus, where all was gay to-night, stood dark for fear of aëroplanes. The old woman waited in silence. When Herr Schnitzelhaaser returned there was blood on his knife. ``What have you done? the old woman asked him quite calmly. ``I have killed our pig, he said.

As fierce exertion is easy to the fevered, so they had spoken; and it wears them, so they were worn. The old woman wept when the officer went out of hearing. But old Herr Schnitzelhaaser picked up a big butcher's knife. ``I will bear it no more, he said. His wife watched him in silence as he went away with his knife. Out of the house he went and into the night.

It was such an honour, said Frau Schnitzelhaaser too. And they began to praise the Kaiser. So great a War Lord, she said; the most glorious war there had ever been. Of course, said the officer, it would end on the first of July. Of course, said Frau Schnitzelhaaser. And so great an admiral, too. One must remember that also. And how fortunate we were to have him: one must not forget that.

Long afterwards it was definitely ascertained that this animal had been caught when young on the slopes of Kilimanjaro and trained and even educated, so far as such things are possible, by an eminent German Professor, a persona grata at the Court of Berlin. The Home of Herr Schnitzelhaaser The guns in the town of Greinstein were faintly audible.

The family of Schnitzelhaaser lived alone there in mourning, an old man and old woman. They never went out or saw any one, for they knew they could not speak as though they did not mourn. They feared that their secret would escape them. They had never cared for the war that the War Lord made. They no longer cared what he did with it.