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'And there is also de Sailles, I reminded him. 'He has a very just taste in these affairs. But who is our opponent?" "'It is Bertin, he answered." "I was astonished, and he told me all. It was an episode of quixotry, a thing entirely imprudent and altogether lovable in him. It chanced that on the evening of Bertin's little er fracas, Vaucher had passed by the impasse in which Bertin lived.

It was de Sailles who pointed them out; and in effect it was a group to see with emotion. The lady she was known to you, Madame? Then the position will be clear. She was of that complete and perfect type we honor as the Parisienne, a product of the most complex life in the world.

The Englishman fidgeted and lounged beside her; the fat Belgian drank much and was boisterous; Bertin was harsh and rudely jovial and loud. It was as though she were enveloped in a miasma." "'So that is what Bertin has brought back, said Vaucher slowly, as his custom was." "'It is a crime, said de Sailles." "'I wonder, said Vaucher, and drank his wine.

C'�tait un entrain, une pr�cision et des sailles, une richesse de citations, une exactitude de d�tails qui faisait couler les heures; et quelquefois le petit cercle de ses intimes l'�coutait jusqu'� minuit, sans qu'un moment de fatigue se f�t peint sur ses traits ou que le feu de son regard se f�t un instant amorti.

But I saw him I saw them both within a week of their return. Upon that occasion I dined at a hotel with two friends, Captain Vaucher and Lieutenant de Sailles. Bertin, with some friends and his wife, was at a table near-by. She was the only lady of the party; her place was between an Englishman, a lean, twisted man with the thin legs of a groom, and a Belgian who passed for an artist.