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There was nothing to keep her on, as she sat with her left side to the horse's head, and roads in those days were rough to an extent of which we, accustomed to macadamised ways, can scarcely form an idea now. And so, pursued for "luck" by an old shoe from Ricarda's hand, Amphillis Neville took her leave of London, and rode forth into the wide world to seek her fortune.

"Nor, in truth, should I say `poor Master Norman, for I think he is little like to be tangled either in Ricarda's web or Agatha's meshes. If I know him, his eyes be in another quarter wherein, I would say, he should have better content. Ah me, the folly of men! and women belike I leave not them out; they be oft the more foolish of the twain. Alack, my poor Lady!

She knew that there was just a possibility that Lady Foljambe might put her into Ricarda's place, which she had not yet filled up, three or four different negotiations to that end having failed to effect it; and either this or a return to her uncle was the secret hope of her heart.

Lady Foljambe, whose wrath was not up at the white heat which it had touched in the morning, found this question a little difficult to answer. She could not reasonably find fault with Amphillis for being Ricarda's cousin, and this was the real cause of her annoyance. The only blame that could be laid to her was her silence for a few days as to the little she knew.

The discovery of Ricarda's deception was the only solution of this remark which presented itself to Amphillis, but her natural caution stood her in good stead, and she merely inquired her companion's meaning. "Hast not seen that she laboureth to catch Master Hylton into her net?" Thoughts, which were not all pleasant, chased one another through the mind of Amphillis.

These were the most valuable articles that had ever yet been in her possession, and Amphillis felt herself very rich, though she could have dispensed with Ricarda's envious admiration of her treasures, and Alexandra's acetous remarks about some people who were always grabbing as much as they could get.

The Lord knoweth wherefore such things do hap. At times I think it be to prevent us from being here in earth more blissful than it were good for us to be. Amphillis shook her head. She pretty well knew that such an assertion would whet Ricarda's curiosity, and increase her inquisitive queries. "Mistress Perrote, are you ill at ease?" "Not in health, thank God. But I am heavy of heart, child.