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And he held that they were not a progressive but a retrogressive society; that their statutes still held good. "It is allowable to take an oath without intending to keep it when one has good grounds for so acting."

Miss Francis and Preblesham, at opposite ends of the intellectual scale, both maundering on about doing the Will of God and General Thario talking about marks on foreheads what sort of feebleminded, retrogressive world was I living in? All the outworn superstitions of religion taking hold of people and intruding themselves into otherwise normal conversation.

In one direction, however, the results of Radama's policy must be regarded as retrogressive. Before his reign no chief or king was powerful enough to impose his rule upon the people without their consent. Opposition to rule, without the consent of the governed, has been the shibboleth with which liberty has rallied the votaries of constitutional government in all its reforms.

The same holds good in many other cases, and systematists have often become uncertain as to the true value of some form, by its relationship to the allied types in the way of retrogressive modification. Color-differences are so showy, that they easily overshadow other characters.

Hence it frequently happens that the course of science is retrogressive. To this class of writers belong those translators who not only translate their author but also correct and revise him; a proceeding which always seems to me impertinent. To such writers I say: Write books yourself which are worth translating, and leave other people's works as they are!

If we compare the new form in this case with the type from which it has originated, it may be seen that the new character does not find its mate, or its opposite, and it will be unpaired in the hybrid. In the case of retrogressive changes the visible modification is due, at least in the best known instances, to the reduction of an active quality to a state of inactivity or latency.

Only one or two exceptions could be quoted, as for instance the Oenothera brevistylis, which in its crosses always behaves as a pure retrogressive variety.

In the case of negative or retrogressive varieties it is the transition from the active into a dormant state to which is due the origin of the variety. Positive varieties on the contrary owe their origin to the presence of some character in the species in the latent state, and to the occasional re-energizing thereof.

This advantage of the English system of education has been dwelt upon to such an extent, that people are apt to overlook the fact that, side by side with these fine specimens of healthy and for the most part unintellectual manhood, we are manufacturing a purely academic article of the least inspired and most retrogressive description.

They are less nimble and amiable than the boys, and often require more beating than a European has time to give them. The Arab woman is the repository of all the accumulated nonsense of the race, and her influence upon the young brood is retrogressive and malign.