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"You see, Miss Barb'ra, Jonathan's got to take up the rag-bags, 't is most a year since I got 'em up to sister Sarah's before, and they're in the way here, we all know, and I've got some bundles beside, and I told Seth Pond to run out an' pick a mess o' snap beans.

"Land, won't I have a good time picking over those big full bags!" said she, looking at Aunt Barbara's rag-bags with delight, and forgetting the employments of royalty. "Your aunt's real generous, she is so! I sort out everything into heaps on the spare floor and if I have too much white I just reach for the dyepot. I do enjoy myself over them piece-bags."

He maintained that nothing could be easier than to make any woman you chose fall in love with you; you only need repeat to her for ten days in succession that heaven is on her lips and bliss in her eyes, and that the rest of womankind are all simply rag-bags beside her; and on the eleventh day she will be ready to say herself that there is heaven on her lips and bliss in her eyes, and will be in love with you.

What in the world is going on downstairs?" Emily explained that there was company staying in the house. "Ugh! company!" grunted Mr. Graham, in a dissatisfied tone. "I think so! Been emptying rag-bags about the chambers, I should say, from the looks." Gertrude asked if he had been to tea. He had not, and should be thankful for some; he was tired.

If there's anything bad she can do, she goes right off and does it." "Hush, my child." "Yes'm, I won't say any more, only I don't think my mother would like to have me play with little girls that take money out of rag-bags." Dotty drew herself up again in a very stately way.

It had boxes and broken chairs, old fenders and picture-frames, and rag-bags hanging from nails. In the middle of the floor was a box, open, half full of clothes. Other clothes lay on the floor in neat piles. In the middle of the piles of clothes sat a lady, very fat indeed, with her feet sticking out straight in front of her. And it was she who had screamed, and who, in fact, was still screaming.