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"Still, I don't understand how you managed to get so much knocked about unless in a bad adventure with wild beasts those scars on your left arm, for instance." "Ah, that was in a puma-hunt. You see, I had fired " There was a knock at the door. "Is the room tidy, Martini? Yes? Then please open the door. This is really most kind, signora; you must excuse my not getting up."

Galli was asking me about life in South America, signora; and I was telling him how I came to get my left arm spoiled. It was in Peru. We had been wading a river on a puma-hunt, and when I fired at the beast the powder wouldn't go off; it had got splashed with water. Naturally the puma didn't wait for me to rectify that; and this is the result." "That must have been a pleasant experience."

It will purr about the feet and lick the hands of its master, and develop all the attractive characteristics of the domestic cat. "We must have a puma-hunt," said the chief, "now right away." "Not to-day?" said the teacher. "Yes," said the chief, "now he eat your children. Find boy dead some day, just like cow. He drop down from a tree on a papoose. Benjamin and I will go hunt."

There are some Christmas roses for you, Signor Rivarez; I know you are fond of flowers." She sat down beside the table and began clipping the stalks of the flowers and arranging them in a vase. "Well, Rivarez," said Galli; "tell us the rest of the puma-hunt story; you had just begun." "Ah, yes!