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Being of the class of nobles, the condemned had a privilege of the peerage, which insured for him the honorable death of the harakiri; a distinction apparently analogous to that which our soldiers of European tradition draw between hanging and shooting.

Should they find it impossible to take advantage of so rare and sacred a privilege, let them, mindful of the words of Bahá’u’lláh, determine, each according to the means at his or her disposal, to appoint a deputy who, on that believer’s behalf, will arise and carry out so noble an enterprise. “Center your energies,” are Bahá’u’lláh’s words, “in the propagation of the Faith of God.

The Colonel protested he couldn't think of it, and muttered something to the barkeeper about "hanging it up," but the vender of exhilaration made no sign, and Philip had the privilege of paying the costly shot; Col. Sellers profusely apologizing and claiming the right "next time, next time."

The woman was better off; she might have the assistance of fine clothes, and the privilege of bashfulness, but the man had only his own good sense to depend on; and when she considered how peculiarly unlucky poor Mr.

Howard Hastings died and left his nephew to the care of a connection, a Mr. Chiswick, who happened to be a member of the East India Company. Perhaps Mr. Chiswick resented the obligation thus laid upon him; perhaps, as a member of the East India Company, he honestly believed that to enter its service was the proudest privilege that a young man could enjoy.

Emotional orators saw visions of the guillotine; calmer spirits anticipated the ballot-box; and the one implement of anarchy was scarcely more dreaded than the other. Sixteen years passed. Property and freedom seemed pretty secure. Even privilege, though shaken, had not been overthrown; and a generation had grown up to which the fears of revolution seemed fantastic.

A professor's wife? That was a mere name but his, this young aristocrat's what a privilege! We didn't speak to each other until late in the evening, when the ladies rose from their chairs about the fire in the living-room and began to talk about the hour. I was standing alone by the mantel when I became conscious that Mr. Jennings had moved away from beside Mrs.

Noyes that they and their comrades were completely overwhelmed by the attentions of the good people of Harrisburg, that the ladies brought them fruits and flowers, and smiles, better than either, and that the little boys of the place were almost fighting for the privilege of doing their errands.

Such modern arrangements as the Piazza d' Azeglio and the <i>viale</i> or Avenue of the Princess Margaret please not a little, I think for what they are! and do so even in a degree, by some fine local privilege just because they are Florentine. The afternoon lights rest on them as if to thank them for not being worse, and their vistas. are liberal where they look toward the hills.

The human sacrifice was quite contrary to Guebre, although not to Hindu, custom; although hate and vengeance might prompt an occasional murder. They are often so well concealed that even the modern inmates are not aware of their existence. An eyelash arrow from an eyebrow bow. The advantages are bodily strength, understanding and the high privilege of Holy War.