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If you have never stayed in a convent of this kind before, the experience will amuse you." "And you?" "Oh, I shall go on to Pollensa, and you can join me there, if you choose, to-morrow." "But why not remain here?" She laughed. "I'm afraid I belong to the anti-monkish sex.

"Ho, ho!" said Haigh placidly; "so you've hit off the trail, have you? Pollensa and Soller, is it?" "No, señor; your guess was a true one. They drove off to catch the Palma train at La Puebla. But come at once, or I must go alone." So we went off with him to the establo, climbed into a sacking-floored shandrydan, and rattled boisterously through the narrow streets of Alcudia.

Dawn came with a flash of vivid green, the sulphur-coloured disc hard upon its heels. We were then off the south-western corner of Minorca, with the high ground on the northern parts of the sister island standing up clearly against the horizon. Even from that distance we could make out with the glasses a watch-tower on the peninsula which divides Pollensa Bay from Alcudia.

"The same road leads out of here till it branches, whether one is going to Pollensa or La Puebla," exclaimed the anarchist, with a fresh access of excitement. "I can wire friends at both places, who can find out for me which way they have gone. I will go and do it at once."

"I regret that the pressure of circumstances forbids my taking formal leave of you. But at an early hour this morning, when you will still be stretched upon your virtuous pallets, Mrs. Cromwell and I set off for the port of Soller. We shall have our morning coffee at Pollensa, and eat our lunch at the convent of Nuestra Señora del Lluch. And there we shall leave the carriage.

True, they might offer me house-room I do not say they wouldn't but I do not care for putting myself in the way of being refused." "Then," said I, "I don't think a convent is very much in my way just at present. I will push on for Pollensa too." And so thither we went together, covering the short distance to Alcudia on the afternoon of next day.