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"They had a good hour's start, and more. It'll be getting dusk pretty quick. What's to prevent one or more of 'em circling back by the southeast? Lynch is capable of anything, and after what you've just told me " Bud's eyes widened. "But what would he have to gain " "Gain?" repeated Buck irritably. "How the devil do I know what's in that polecat's mind?

For a moment there was a horrible, strenuous jumble of fur and feathers on the ground, and then the polecat's flat head rose up on his long neck out of the jumble, his eyes alight with a new look, and his lifted upper lip stained with a single little bright carmine spot. The peewit was dead. He pivoted upon his shanks and examined the nest. It was empty.

And there was reason the old polecat's jaws were fast shut in a vise-grip, as of a Yale lock, upon her throat. Never a sound broke the silence that brooded forever in spite of the wind over the lake-like, flattened expanse of the estuary save the deep "how-how!" of the buzzard's superb pinions as she climbed slowly into the sublime vault of the heavens; never a sound from bird or from beast.

"You good-for-nothing torment, hold your lying tongue!" said Uncle Walter, in a rage; "who wants to hear your dream? I'd call for a polecat's dream as quick. Shut your lips. You talk about crying! Why, your very words tear open the woman's heart. I'm struck with what Mother Fabens tells." "It seemed as if I must be awake," resumed Mother Fabens, "it was all so plain and natural.