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The admiral said through stiff lips, "I'll blast " "No," said Calhoun, again gently. "When you ordered all ships alerted for action, the Darians on each ship released panic gas. They only needed tiny, pocket-sized containers of the gas for the job. They had them. They only needed to use air tanks from their sag-suits to protect themselves against the gas. They kept them handy.

He was making progress with skill he did not even recognize and which he had never been conscious of learning. The bushes and small, droop-limbed trees, their branches not clothed with leaves from proper twigs but with a reddish bristly growth protruding directly from their surfaces, made a partial wall for the pocket-sized meadow.

The last thing he wanted to see was Hunt Rennie ride away. Anse kicked earth over the fire when they were gone. "No use showin’ smoke," he remarked, and Drew readily agreed. The horses, with the exception of Shiloh, were hobbled and allowed the restricted freedom of the pocket-sized meadow running back from the water hole. Anse and Drew divided the night into two-hour watches.

Contemporary writers tell us of the hundreds and hundreds of different strange machines invented for washing out the gold and actually carried around the Horn or over the Isthmus of Panama to San Francisco. They were of all types, from little pocket-sized affairs up to huge arrangements with windmill arms and wings.

They only needed tiny, pocket-sized containers of the gas for the job. They had them. They only needed to use air-tanks from their sag-suits to protect themselves against the gas. They kept them handy. On nearly all your ships aloft your crews are crazy from panic-gas. They'll stay that way until the air is changed.

"I just saw Firehouse," said Astro quietly. "Did he catch you goofing?" "Yeah," growled Roger. "I found a kitten and he walked up just as I was holding it." Astro grinned. "I wouldn't be surprised if that pocket-sized giant didn't send that cat down there to tempt you." "How's Tom?" asked Roger. Astro, in his patrol, came in contact with both unit mates. "Sleepy.

He did not add, as he would have liked that they could have had a blaster. "Native weapons," Thorvald countered with his usual snap. He went back to the beach and crawled about there, choosing and rejecting stones picked out of the gravel. Shann scooped out a small pit just before their hut and set about the making of a pocket-sized fire.