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Never know who you're talking to. Corny Kelleher he has Harvey Duff in his eye. Like that Peter or Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the invincibles. Member of the corporation too. Egging raw youths on to get in the know all the time drawing secret service pay from the castle. Drop him like a hot potato. Why those plainclothes men are always courting slaveys.

In the end, he wouldn't take my advice to rush every available man to the scene, but only consented to take two plainclothes men and two military police. He was so precious afraid of upsetting your arrangements. The Chief, it appears, had warned everybody against doing that. So we all piled into the car and I drove them back to the Mill House.

In a quarter of an hour's time, a number of plainclothes policemen will be on board. I am going to ask you, as loyal British and American subjects, to subject yourselves, without resistance or complaint, to any search which they may choose to make. I may add that my own person, luggage and cabin will be the first object of their attention."

Put your best plainclothes man on to him at once he'll easily know him from the description I gave you and let him shadow him wherever he goes. And then let me know of his movement he's certainly on the track of something, and what he does may be useful to me I can link it up with my own work. And as regards the other matter keep me informed if you come on anything further.

Big footprints on the thick dust which coated the floor showed him that he was being no more thorough than Captain Strawn's brace of plainclothes detectives had been much earlier that evening. Two pairs of giant footprints.... With an exclamation he discovered a smaller, narrow pair of prints, and followed their winding trail all around and across the attic.

"I was just walking to Portsmouth," began Archie in a blithe tone he hoped would prove convincing. His captor laughed ironically, and throwing open Bennett's coat, demanded: "Where's your badge? Don't lie to me! You're one of these village constables or a plainclothes man from Boston. Either way you'd better show your hand."