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A movement from Jem caused Mrs. Hayden to notice his extra dish of sauce and huge piece of frosted cake. "No, Jem, dear, you mustn't eat any more to-night, and you know mamma don't want you to have any cake." "O-o-o-h, peaze, tan't I have some more?" "Not any more to-day. You know you had to be sick all night, not long ago, and mamma had to give you some medicine.

Of the growth you need not to doubt: for Barley, Oates, and Peaze, we haue seene proofe of, not being purposely sowen, but fallen casually in the woorst sort of ground, and yet to be as faire as any we haue euer seene heere in England. But of Wheat, because it was musty, and had taken salt water, we could make no triall: and of Rie we had none.

Then their setting or sowing is after this maner. By this meanes there is a yard spare ground betweene euery hole: where according to discretion here and there, they set as many Beanes and Peaze: in diuers places also among the seeds of Macocquer, Melden, and Planta solis.

The leafe also of the stemme is much different. In taste they are altogether as good as our English peaze. Wickonzowr, called by vs Peaze, in respect of the Beanes, for distinction sake, because they are much lesse, although in forme they little differ: but in goodnesse of taste much like, and are far better then our English Peaze.

That there were 1000 iarres of oile. A great quantity of beanes, peaze, wheat, and fish. That there were 3000 quintals of beefe. And that not twenty dayes before, there came in three barks laden with match and harquebuzes.

And when we had dispatched our businesse, we gaue him one good cable, one olde cable and an anker, one shallop with mast, sailes, and other furniture, and other things which belonged to the ship. In recompence whereof he gaue vs two hogsheads of sider, one barrel of peaze, and 25 score of fish.

Both the beanes and peaze are ripe in ten weeks after they are set.

The ground being thus set according to the rate by vs experimented, an English acre conteining forty pearches in length, and foure in breadth, doth there yeeld in croppe or ofcome of corne Beanes and Peaze, at the least two hundred London bushels, besides the Macocquer, Melden, and Planta solis; when as in England forty bushels of our Wheat yeelded out of such an acre is thought to be much.

There is a kind of Reed which beareth a seed almost like vnto our Rie or Wheat; and being boiled is good meat. In our trauels in some places we found Wilde peaze like vnto ours in England, but that they were lesse, which are also good meat. Of a kinde of fruit or berry in forme of Acornes.

Besides their eating of them after our ordinary maner, they breake them with stones, and punne them in morters with water, to make a milke which they vse to put into some sorts of their spoonemeat: also among their sodde wheat, peaze, beanes and pompions, which maketh them haue a farre more pleasant taste.