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"E'en as your honour likes to ca' him; but it's a creditable calling and a gainfu', and has been lang in use wi' our folk. Pate's a far-awa cousin o' mine, and we were blythe to meet wi' ane anither." "And you went and had a jug of ale together, I suppose, Andrew? For Heaven's sake, cut short your story."

Stuart rose in his stirrups and gazed coolly at the heavy line advancing upon him, and forcing Pate's handful back. "Take back the guns!" he said. They were limbered up, and went off rapidly. At the same moment Colonel Pate appeared, his men obstinately contesting every foot of ground as they fell back toward the Telegraph road, where a deep cut promised them advantage.

"You must be ill, for I have never observed you so excited before." Little did the young lady imagine what was at issue, and the cause of Pate's nervousness; but she knew afterwards, and had a jolly laugh over it in her own tidy little house at Govanhill. Who does not remember the real final tie on Cathkin Park? Such a match will, perhaps, never be seen in Scotland again.

John Brown rallied a group of sympathizers and fought a pitched battle with the invaders but was defeated with bloody losses and compelled to retreat. He was followed by Deputy United States Marshal, Henry C. Pate. Brown turned and boldly attacked Pate's camp and another battle ensued.

"E'en as your honour likes to ca' him; but it's a creditable calling and a gainfu', and has been lang in use wi' our folk. Pate's a far-awa cousin o' mine, and we were blythe to meet wi' ane anither." "And you went and had a jug of ale together, I suppose, Andrew? For Heaven's sake, cut short your story."

Alan only, if I were you to speak my plain mind' Here he approached his mouth to the ear of the young lawyer, and, after another acute pang of travail, was safely delivered of his advice in the following abrupt words: 'Take a keek into Pate's letter before ye deliver it. Fairford started, looked the provost hard in the face, and was silent; while Mr.