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Let her alone, Fred! the poor child, trying to earn her own living in an honest way." "Let her alone? Tetlow, I shall never let her alone as long as she and I are both alive." The fat man, with his premature wrinkles and his solemn air of law books that look venerable though fresh from the press, took on an added pastiness.

In dress and appearance he resembled very much the ordinary valet in private service, except for his eye-glasses, and that his face lacked the smooth pastiness of the class. For some reason or other my companion seemed to take a dislike to him. "Come," she said to me, "we will move over to the other side. I think we shall get in quicker."

Often however a piercing shriek was sufficient to produce the required action. The prince was always in a perspiration, and often out of breath. But he seemed to thrive on the treatment: his appetite improved; his pastiness lessened; his skin grew clearer; and his flesh became less abundant and harder.

The days were doing him good, all around, toughening his face, taking the poolroom pastiness out of it, putting a bracer in his back. Mackenzie noted the improvement as readily as it could be seen in some quick-growing plant. Mackenzie was living a very primitive and satisfactory life under a few yards of tent canvas since the loss of his wagon.

The making-up of the faces interested her; she was amazed by the transformation of Mabel into youthful loveliness, with a dairy maid's bloom in place of her pallid pastiness. On the other hand, make-up seemed to bring out the horrors of Miss Anstruther's big, fat, yet hollow face, and to create other and worse horrors as if in covering her face it somehow uncovered her soul.

It pleased him to believe that his face was cast in an intellectual mould, and that the somewhat unhealthy pastiness of his skin might be described as the "pallor of thought." Presently he looked away from her through the big bay window which overlooked the crowded floor of Lyne's Stores.

The velvet black, silvery grays, whites that are mellow without pastiness, and the reds and yellows do not flare out like scarlet trumpets; an aristrocratic palette. Really you begin to realise that what you formerly considered grandfather tales are the truth. The great painters have been and are not with us to-day. It is not a consoling pill to swallow for apostles of "modernity."

When sent to the bank, a few yards distant, he was absent for an hour. Cigarettes and late hours may have given him a touch of pastiness. To-day, what a change! Tall, well-set-up and bronzed, he is a model of health and strength.

He was no longer the athlete, whom "prize fighting" had inculcated with principles of manliness and fair play as well as a strong body. All that, as I had seen often before, was a pitiful lie. He was rat-eyed and soft-handed. His skin had the pastiness that comes of more exposure to the glare of vile dance halls than the sunlight of day.

"So, my dear friend," he said, "it is probable that you know more about the Sydney Bamboroughs than I do." If Claude de Chauxville was disconcerted he certainly did not show it. His was a face eminently calculated to conceal whatever thought or feeling might be passing through his mind. Of an even white complexion verging on pastiness he was handsome in a certain statuesque way.