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II. Now we come to the direct study of abortion. Abortion, or miscarriage, strictly means the expulsion of the fœtus before it is viable, i.e., before it is sufficiently developed to continue its life outside of the maternal womb. The period of arrival at viability is usually after the twenty-eighth week of gestation. When birth occurs later than that period, and yet before the full term of nine months, it is called premature birth, which is altogether different from abortion; for it may save the life of the child, which abortion always destroys. "Premature labor is frequently induced in legitimate medical practice, for the purpose of avoiding the risks which in some cases attend parturition at term.... The average number of children saved by this means is rather more than one-half of the cases operated upon," say Wharton and Stillé ("Parturition," p.

The combative male is built as a fighting machine, the submissive female as an organism of attractive grace and beauty for impregnation and parturition.

Dickinson describes a woman, a tertipara, who had a most difficult labor and bore an extremely large child. She had been thirty-six hours in parturition, and by evisceration and craniotomy was delivered of a child weighing 16 pounds. Her first child weighed 9 pounds, her second 20, and her third, the one described, cost her her life soon after delivery.

A frequent condition causing a slowing of the heart is the presence of bile in the blood, typically true of catarrhal jaundice. Uremic poisoning and acidemia and coma of diabetes tray cause a pulse to be very slow. Not infrequently after parturition the heart quiets down from its exertion to a rate below normal.

Innumerable legends and customs connect the rebirth of the Sun with a Virgin parturition. Dr. In the Contemporary Science Series, I. 92. All this above-written on the Solar or Astronomical origins of the myths does not of course imply that the Vegetational origins must be denied or ignored.

The Professor adds, that the great power which this drug is said to have on the human being, and the apparent effect in the case just given, suggest the propriety of instituting a further trial of it, and of our extending our observations to cattle, amongst which difficult cases of calving so frequently occur. Mr. Simpson thus concludes some remarks on ergot in difficult parturition.

If any special substances are given off by the embryos in the uterus in ordinary gestation, the same substances would continue to be given off by the embryos in the marsupial pouch, and these must be absorbed by the skin of the pouch. In this way it seems to me we have a logical explanation of the fact that the corpora lutea in the Marsupial are not absorbed at parturition as in Eutheria.

David Copperfield was preceded by a still longer list of abortions, and Household Words, as a mere title, was the result of a parturition far exceeding in length and severity any throes of travail known to natural history. All this was unaccompanied by any of the doubts and misgivings, the fits of depression and intervals of lassitude, which are the ordinary tortures of authorship.

Saint Ramon favours women in the season of parturition; Saint Demas preserves travellers on their journeys from robbers; Saint Apollonius cures the toothache; Saint Lucy heals diseases of the eyes; Saint Lazarus cures the leprosy; Saint Roque the plague; Saint Joseph protects carpenters; Saint Casianus and Saint Nicholas preserve children; Saint Luis Gonzaga, young people; Saint Hermenegild, soldiers; Saint Thomas Aquinas, students; Saint Gloi, silversmiths; and Saint Rita, superior to all the celestial court, obtains, by her mediation, the realization of impossibilities!