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This subjection of sire to son is, however, mainly ceremonious: in private life the king wears a cotton pagne, and his "governor" asserts his birth- right even by wigging royalty. We disposed ourselves upon seamen's chests covered with red baize, fronting the semi-circle of frock-coated "gentlemen" and half-naked dependants and slaves.

To his first valet one pagne, worth one piece of baft; to his goldsmith four pagnes; to the Chief of the village two bottles of powder. We stopped at noon at Cambaya, being very hungry: we departed in the evening; and slept on the road. At about eight A.M. on the next day, we passed Gnary and Sangnongagy; received at this last village some peas without stopping. We stopped at noon at Dougay.

The bosom, elaborately bound downwards, is covered with a square bit of stuff, or a calico pagne most ungraceful of raiment-wrapped under the arms, and extending to the knees: "In longitude'tis sorely scanty, But 'tis their best, and they are vaunty." The poor and the slaves content themselves with grass cloth.

Gidi Mavunga, wearing pagne and fetish-bag, and handling a thin stick in which two bulges had been cut, led us out of Banza Nokki, and took a S.S.W. direction. I sent home specimens of this gossypium arboreum, which everywhere grows wild and which is chiefly used for wicks. There is scant hope of cotton-culture amongst a people whose industry barely suffices for ground-nuts.

The first, or semi-nude, is that of the Kru-races, a scanty pagne, or waist-wrapper, the dark skin appearing perfectly decent. The second is the ample flowing robe, at once becoming and picturesque, with the shalwar, or wide drawers, of the Moslems from Morocco to the Equator.

Chaiman killed me a bullock, and I gave him one pagne, worth two pieces of bafts, one bottle of powder, twenty flints, and one bar of scarlet cloth. I gave him a blue pagne, a striped ditto, one bottle of powder, twenty flints, and one bar of scarlet cloth; which pagnes I got by the sale of three slaves I was obliged to sell to help me in my expenses.

I received one ass from Mouline: I gave to Amadibinne one musket and five yards of white cotton; to Yamme half a bottle of powder; to my sister ten dollars and one muslin pagne; to the Chief one bottle of powder and twenty flints. I released here the thief, who all the way had carried the hog; I released him, because I was certain, that, if once in the King's power, he would be put to death.

As for her costume, it was very odd. Imagine a pagne made of narrow strips bedizened with red and black hieroglyphics, weighted with bitumen, and apparently belonging to a mummy newly unswathed.

Baft, blue cloth of East Indian manufacture, much used in the African Trade. Pagne, a kind of cloth, also much used in the same trade. JOURNAL &c.

As for her costume, it was very odd indeed. Fancy a pagne, or skirt, all formed of little strips of material bedizened with red and black hieroglyphics, stiffened with bitumen, and apparently belonging to a freshly unbandaged mummy.