United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

DODGE, of Owego, N.Y., "contains more that is weighty in fact, and sound in philosophy; more that is useful in medical science and effective in medical art; more that is purificative and elevative of man than any one work, in volumes few or many that has ever grace the Librarie Medicale of civilization." "It contains," says Dr. BAKER, of Racine, Wis.

She was hopefully converted in 1846, and while in the Seminary was supported by the Sabbath school in Owego, New York. In 1849, it was proposed that her father labor in Ardishai, one of the darkest and most wicked villages of the plain, as one might expect the home of the notorious Mar Gabriel would be.

Dyer never descends to coarseness or vulgarity in his productions; he writes pure, clean words, something that can be sung in the home, school and on the stage to refined respectable people." We learn much of the study years of Mrs. Later "she studied under Prof. C. E. Brown, of Owego, N. Y., Prof. Heimburger, of San Francisco and Herr Chas. Goffrie. Mrs.

Anderson Rover wrote, in part, as follows: "You will be surprised to learn, at this late day, that something had been heard about Arnold Baxter. A man who knows him fairly well met him a few nights ago in Owego. The news was telegraphed to me at once, and the local police were informed, but since that time nothing more has been seen or heard of the rascal.

The man said he was well dressed and had been stopping at a leading hotel. Evidently he is using what was stolen." "In Owego!" cried Sam. "Why, that city isn't over fifty miles from here." "This is his old stamping ground," put in Tom. "For all we know he may now be hanging around Ithaca or Cedarville." "I don't believe he'll come here," said Dick. "He is too well known."

Instead of leaving Ithaca at 9:30 as we had planned, we hired a special engine to take our private cars to Owego there to await the express for New York on the main line. My only pleasant recollection of that trip was a brief call I made at the home of a girl friend of mine, who had attended the game. My arm was in a sling and sympathy was welcome.

He was in America again in 1836, bringing with him an English lady as a bride, the Mary for whom the country place Glen Mary at Owego was named, where he wrote his delightful Letters from under a Bridge. From this on Willis lived an active social-literary life, singing of Broadway with the same facileness as he sang of country scenes.

In 1858 the Erie Railway purchased the right of using the Nichols patent, and erected machinery at its Owego Bridge shop for boring a 2 inch hole longitudinally through the center of bridge timbers. This continued till 1870, when the works were burned, and in rebuilding them the boring machinery was not replaced.

" 9 Penn Yan, N. Y. " 25 Doylestown, Pa. " 10 Athens, N. Y. " 26 Ph<oe>nixville, Pa. " 11 Owego, N. Y. " 27 Kennett, Pa. " 12 Patchogue, LI.,N.Y. " 28 Oxford, Pa. " 13 Port Jervis, N. Y. " 29 *Oxford, Pa. * Preach on Sunday.

On one of his journeys he fell in love with a pretty spot on the banks of the Owego Creek, near the junction with the Susquehanna, and bought a couple of hundred acres and a house, which he named Glenmary after his wife. Here the pair settled down happily for some five years, and here Willis wrote his pleasant, gossiping Letters from Under a Bridge for the New York Mirror.