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"But aren't we getting rather far away? From the Ormonds, I mean." "We are, rather," said Wanhope. "Though I agree that it would be interesting. I should rather like to have it tried. You know Frederick Douglass acted upon some such principle when his master attempted to whip him.

I also looked, and saw at the base of my third finger a circle like the mark left by a wedding-ring. "That is strange," I said; "I never wore a ring in all my life!" "Das de sign, suh," muttered the old man; "das de Ormond sign, suh. Yo' pap wore de ghos'-ring, an' his pap wore it too, suh. All de Ormonds done wore de ghos'-ring fore dey wus wedded. Hit am dess dat-a-way. Mars' George "

We Ormonds came there from the Western Indies, then drifted south, skirting the Matanzas to the sea islands on the Halifax, where I was born, an Englishman on Spanish soil, and have lived there, knowing no land but that of Florida, treading no city streets save those walled lanes of ancient Augustine.

"George," he gasped, mopping his crimsoned face, "I'll tell you now that we Varicks and you Ormonds must stand out for neutrality in this war. The Butlers mean mischief; they're mad to go to fighting, and that means our common ruin. They'll be here to-night, damn them." "Sir Lupus," I ventured, "we are all kinsmen, the Butlers, the Varicks, and the Ormonds.

Thus was all that goodly country utterly laid waste." Such insane destruction brought its own punishment. The colonists began to recover from their dismay. Ormonds, Kildares, and Desmonds bestirred themselves to collect troops.

"No, sir; only to take up the common quarrel and stand for that liberty which we inherited from those who now seek to dispossess us." "Quite an orator!" he observed, grimly. "The Ormonds were formerly more ready with their swords than with their tongues." "I trust I shall not fail to sustain their traditions," I said, controlling my anger with a desperate effort. He burst out into a hollow laugh.

They promised that all the clergy should be present without fail, but, as shall be seen, the instructions of Sir Edward Bellingham and his colleagues produced but little effect even in the very stronghold of the Ormonds . Walter Cowley was sent on a commission into the diocese of Cashel to "abolish idolatry, papistry, the Mass Sacrament and the like," but he complained that the archbishop, instead of being present to assist him, tarried in Dublin although he had been warned that his presence was required.