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And to make matters still worse, the burghers were covered with the mud from the swamp that still clung to them. Twenty-four hours had passed without the men being able to lie down and rest; and sleep, of course, had been entirely impossible. Three miles beyond the railway line I gave orders to off-saddle, although there was no grass for the horses.

As it was now too late to off-saddle, we began, after having taken a little rest, to descend the mountain on the other side, my object being to reach a farm where I hoped to get some sheep or oxen for my men, who not only were tired out, but nearly famished. We went down the mountain well, somewhat quicker than we had climbed it; however, we could not go very fast, as the incline was steep.

"Our faces were towards the north before we met the Zulus," answered Indaba-zimbi; "let us still keep them to the north. Ride on, Macumazahn; to-night when we off-saddle I will look into the matter." So all that long afternoon we rode on, following the course of the river.

Commandant Hasebroek held the enemy in check whilst we continued our march to a place called Vrouwpan. On the following day we struck the Brak River at a point ten miles south-east of its confluence with the Orange River, to the east of Prieska. It was not fordable, and we had to off-saddle.

On every man's face utter exhaustion could be read. But how could it have been otherwise? The men had had fighting to do the previous day, and had only once been able to off-saddle, and that not long enough to cook a piece of meat. Rain had also been falling in torrents, and most of the men were wet to the skin, for very few of them had waterproofs.

The sound came from the extreme end of our position, where the Transvaalers were stationed. No sooner did we hear it than the order to off-saddle was given. I myself asked Commandant Steenekamp, who had arrived the previous day from Bezuidenhoutspas, to go to General Croup's laager, about two miles distant, and to request him to advance to where the firing was taking place.

I remember once seeing several graves within two or three yards of the public road, so that in a year or so the waggons will be rumbling over the heads of those who lie beneath. When you ride up to a Boer's house, the etiquette is to wait until some member of the family asks you to off-saddle, and then you must go in and shake hands with every one, a most disagreeable custom.

"Do you see that peak among the mountains which has a point like a spear, the one that seems as though it were on fire? Well, behind it lies Bull-Head's kraal." "It is far, Zinti, but we must be there by night." "That may be done, lady, but if so we must spare our horses." "Good," she answered. "Here is a spring; let us off-saddle a while."

The troop is then escorted by a frantic populace to their camping ground; willing hands off-saddle the horses, while others ply the tired heroes with refreshments. The town is in transports of joy. Days pass. The news spreads, and burghers come in from all sides to deliver up their arms to the Captain.

That's them. God blister their filthy carkises! May they stew in hell!" He spat over his horse's shoulder as though to emphasize his furious disgust But his forcefulness was displeasing. "Guess you best off-saddle," Nan said coolly. "Father'll be along right now. You'll need food.