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"A concert for the benefit of afflicted Catholic infants will take place in the salon at eight-thirty P.M. Artists: Fraulein Sonia Godowska, from Vienna; Herr Professor Windberg and his trombone; Frau Oberlehrer Weidel, and others." This notice was tied round the neck of the melancholy stag's head in the dining-room.

Small and slight, with scanty black hair and beard and yellow-toned complexion, he invariably wore black serge clothes, a rough linen shirt, black sandals, and the largest black-rimmed spectacles that I had ever seen. The Herr Oberlehrer, who sat opposite me, smiled benignantly.

"I hope the dear child is not tired," said the Frau Doktor. "Not at all." "I expect, I hope you will sleep well to-night," the Herr Oberlehrer said reverently. "Yes." The poet from Munich never took his eyes off the pair. He allowed his tie to absorb most of his coffee while he gazed at them exceedingly soulfully. Unyoking Pegasus, thought I. Death spasms of his Odes to Solitude!

The Frau Oberlehrer tripped on the platform followed by a very young gentleman, who blew his nose twice before he hurled his handkerchief into the bosom of the piano. "Yes, I know you have no love for me, And no forget-me-not. No love, no heart, and no forget-me-not." sang the Frau Oberlehrer, in a voice that seemed to issue from her forgotten thimble and have nothing to do with her.

"No, indeed," I replied, still hypnotised by the Baron, who looked like a little yellow silkworm. "The Baron comes every year," went on the Herr Oberlehrer, "for his nerves. He has never spoken to any of the guests YET!" A smile crossed his face.

When we arrived at the pension there was very nearly an open riot. I ran half way up the stairs, and thanked the Baron audibly from the landing. He distinctly replied: "Not at all!" It was very friendly of the Herr Oberlehrer to have sent me a bouquet that evening, and the Frau Oberregierungsrat asked me for my pattern of a baby's bonnet! Next day the Baron was gone.

No effort that Turkey can make" she was then still mistress of the Sawâd "can be too great to roll away the reproach of these parched and weary lands, whose cry ascends to heaven." Turkey, which claims the present in Western Asia, is nothing but an overthrow of the past and an obstruction of the future. Martin Niepage, Oberlehrer an der deutschen Realschule zu Aleppo, z.Zt. Wernigerode.