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Various Terms employed for denoting Garden. French Woman in The Desert. Price of Slaves. Time required to go round the World. Stature of the Touaricks. Oases of Derge. Reconquest of the World by the Mahometans. Tibboo Slave-dealer. Touatee Silversmith and Blacksmith. Assassination of Major Laing. Tibboos compared to Bornouese. The Touarick Bandit again. First Encounter with the Giant Touarick.

A few Italian oases were created by the establishment of coloniae here and there in Asia Minor and in Syria. But all of them perished like exotic plants. The Romanization of these lands was political. Their inhabitants ultimately learnt to call and to consider themselves Romans. But they did not adopt the Roman language or the Roman civilization. The west offers a different spectacle.

The Bayuda desert route also had been cleared of dervishes by these and by neighbouring tribesmen. On the direct track from Korti to Omdurman, outlying wells and oases were in possession of the Kababish and their allies who had broken away from Abdullah's tyranny.

Then came a wise man who cut up and ploughed the watery district of Gafsa, Tozeur and Nefta; he planted trees and all the other growths useful to mankind; he divided the land into patches, led the water through them, and apportioned them among certain families in short, he gave these oases their present shape, and did his work so well that up to this day no one has been able to suggest any improvements or to quarrel with his arrangement.

The Bashaw, on my taking leave of His Highness, presented me with a handful of ripe barley to bring to Tripoli, as a rarity. One bushel or measure of seed-corn produces from twenty-four to twenty-eight bushels. A greater quantity of corn could be easily produced in all the oases. A man and boy with an ass can cultivate corn enough in a season to subsist three or four families during six months.

During the Turkish period these oases were in danger of their lives; the sand invaded them, choking up the waters and gradually entombing the plants.

So, it is probable, further extension southward of the Church plans of agricultural settlement will be a task that will lie upon the shoulders of a younger generation. Modern Development Oases Have Grown in the Desert The Mormons of Arizona today are not to be considered in the same manner as have been their forebears.

Sterility of soil, a Siberian climate, geographical isolation, here reach their climax, whilst at the base of these lofty calcareous tablelands lie sequestered valleys fertile fields and flowery gardens, oases of the Lozerien Sahara.

The lovely idyl of Ruth is in sharp contrast with the bloody and turbulent annals of Judges. It completes, but does not contradict, these, and happily reminds us of what we are apt to forget in reading such pages, that no times are so wild but that in them are quiet corners, green oases, all the greener for their surroundings, where life glides on in peaceful isolation from the tumult.

Visit, and take leave of the Bashaw. Various Anecdotes related by His Highness. Safe-conduct given to liberated Slaves in returning to their Country. Character of the Tibboos, and particularly Tibboo Women. Description of the Oases of Fezzan. Leo's Account of these Oases. Recent History of the Government of Mourzuk. The Traitor Mukni. Life and Character of Abd-el-Geleel.