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Ditte escaped staying in, but was given a note to take home. This having no effect, the schoolmaster went with her home to speak to her mother. But Sörine refused to take any responsibility. If the child arrived late at school, it was simply because she loitered on the way.

All the rest will come afterward, unless God restrains 'first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear, and then the bitter harvest of the poisonous grain. II. So, secondly, note the help sought. The Psalmist is like a man standing on the edge of some precipice, and peeping over the brink to the profound beneath, and feeling his head beginning to swim.

And the flimsiness of the excuse is manifest by the fact that the contrarity is self-created. III. Lastly, note the real reason. When a man pleads a previous engagement as a reason for not accepting an invitation, nine times out of ten it is a polite way of saying, 'I do not want to go. It was so in this case.

The inspector frowned and was going to make a note of this, so I tried to distract his attention. "Do you know," I said, "a short time ago people persisted in mistaking me for a brother of the Duke of Cotsall?" "Why?" he asked rather rudely. "Because of the strawberry mark on my upper lip. Ah, I think this is the orchard. There was a wealth of bloom here when I put in my application."

You wouldn't ever say it to him, would you, Augustine." There was a note at once of urgency and appeal in her voice. "Of course not, since you don't wish it," her son replied. "I ask you just because it happens that your father is coming," Lady Channice said, "tomorrow; and, you see, if you had this in your mind, you might have said something. He is coming to spend the afternoon."

The little Hindu boy is taught Attention by being asked to note and remember the number, color, character and other details of a number of colored stones, jewelry, etc., shown for an instant in an open palm, the hand being closed the moment after. He is taught to note and describe passing travelers, and their equipages houses he sees on his journeys and thousands of other everyday objects.

The more familiar and more frequent note is the "Toom," repeated about fourteen or sixteen times, and the thinner, softer response. The bird resembles in plumage a pheasant.

The difficult verse 6 cannot be adequately dealt with here, but we may note that introductory 'for' shows that it, too, contains a motive urging to life, 'to the will of God, and that no such motive appears in it if it is taken to mean, as by some, that the gospel is preached after death to the dead.

But she was a mere child when his wife died, and she grew up to womanhood too insensibly for him to note the change. Besides, where a man has found a wife his all-in-all, a daughter can never supply her place.

Had she known where to find him, she would have sent him a note, saying that she had changed her mind about the rooms, and could not let him have them. But she was ignorant of his address; and the only thing left for her was to wait until he came on Monday, and then get over the difficulty in the best way possible.