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Ellsworth calling out from just in back of us, "Take him in the skiff and bring him aboard, Huntley." "Now e ng t gt cld down," Pee-wee said, munching away on a jaw breaker. "You look as if you'd been gargling a bottle of ink," I told him. "Don't talk, you can't do two things at once." Pretty soon Skinny came up the ladder to the cabin roof where we were all sitting.

This sounding may be carried to a fault, or affectation; but commonly it is insufficiently done, and it should be among the first objects of cultivation in vocal practice. The humming of these head sounds, with very moderate force, is excellent for developing and clearing this resonance. The "ng" sound, as in rung, may be added. Improper division of words into syllables is a common fault.

When the bridge is made of one bamboo only, it is difficult to pass over; but when it is made of two or more, it is very easy. Dalá akó niya, dalá ko siya, He carries me, I carry him. The shoes. Isang balong malalim puna ng patalím, A deep well filled with steel blades. The mouth.

There is no sign of case or number: all has been reduced to an absolute simplicity, beyond which there is no going. Words can end with no consonant but the most rounded of all, the nasal liquids n and ng. There is about as much likeness to the Aryan and Semitic languages you can trace about as much analogy between them as you can between a centipede and a billiard-ball.

But we need not go further into the rather technical question of the scope of certiorari in this kind of case. As has been said in the Environmental Defence Society case and Ng v.

The Kerothi language lacked many of the voiced consonants of English and Russian, and, as a result, Tallis' use of B, D, G, J, V, and Z made them come out as P, T, K, CH, F, and S. The English R, as it is pronounced in run or rat, eluded him entirely, and he pronounced it only when he could give it the guttural pronunciation of the German R. The terminal NG always came out as NK. The nasal M and N were a little more drawn out than in English, but they were easily understandable.

Elementary Lessons. After this brief discussion of the principles involved in this method of practice, we will proceed to give some essential exercises for practice. This is the foundation of all voice culture. Take humming tone as indicated in the preceding chapter, m, n, ng, idealized and pure. The mouth should be opened and closed without changing the tone.

There are also many minor differences of pronunciation. A man is u breo, not u briew, a son is a u khon, not u khun. Standard ng is often represented by nj. Thus doinj for ding, fire. A final h often appears as k, and an initial b as p. Standard ei becomes aw. Thus wei = waw, one; dei = daw, necessary. The articles are frequently omitted.

The only English sounds that normally receive a nasal resonance are m, n, and the ng sound of sing. Practically all sounds, however, may be nasalized, not only the vowels nasalized vowels are common in all parts of the world but such sounds as l or z. Voiceless nasals are perfectly possible. They occur, for instance, in Welsh and in quite a number of American Indian languages.

Certain it is that it is not nearly enough availed of. That is my own everyday experience. We Germans have only small opportunity to make the acquaintance of the nasal sound; we know it in only a few words: "Engel," "lange," "mangel," etc., always where ng occurs before or after a vowel.