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"Where'd they wind up at, Cap'n Am'zon?" asked Milt. "Couldn't hit nothin' nearer'n the Guineas on that course," growled Cap'n Joab. "There you're wrong," the substitute storekeeper said. "They struck seaweed acres an' acres of it square miles of it everlastin' seaweed!" "Sargasso Sea!" exploded Washy Gallup, wagging his toothless jaw. "I swanny!"

"You're the D d d you're it, yourself, Harvey!" stammered Ned Vickery. "You'd better look out, Ned," Harvey giggled, "we're all a little nearer'n second cousins down here to Wallencamp. Ned's mother didn't use to let him go to school much, teacher," Harvey added, turning to me; "it used to wear him out luggin' home his 'Reward o' merit' cards."

"Elly Precious!" rose Evangeline's voice of indignation. "He's the unspeckledest baby you ever saw! I guess I guess you never saw Elly Precious!" Stefana appeared suddenly in the doorway, a blanched and frightened Stefana. But she was determinedly calm. "He's fell asleep, and Carruthers is watching him through the door. I told him not to go any nearer'n that.

I dunno when I'd git a hoss as good as Josephus " "No nearer'n the boneyard," put in Marty, sotto voce. "Anyhow, I see my failin' sure enough. Never was so reckless b'fore in all my life," pursued Walky. "Mebbe, if I kep' on drinkin' that stuff they sell daown ter the ho-tel, I'd drown both m' hosses havin' drowned m' own brains like twin kittens, in ha'f an inch o' alcohol! Haw! haw! haw!"

"How many wild horses on the mountain now?" "Hard to tell. Two or three thousand, mebbe. There's almost no ketchin' them, an' they regrowin' all the time We ain't had no luck this spring. The bunch in corral we got last year." "Seen anythin' of the White Mustang?" inquired Frank. "Ever get a rope near him?" "No nearer'n we hev fer six years back. He can't be ketched.