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When he was alone again, Hilliard felt better, both in body and mind, and that evening, over the first bottle of Narramore's port, he amused himself with sketching ideal cottages. "The fellow's in love, at last. When a man thinks of pleasant little country houses, 'with a tree or two' about them " He sighed, and ground his teeth, and sketched on.

Hilliard puzzled over this remark, and was on the point of making some impatient reply, but discretion restrained him. He turned to Eve's own affairs, questioned her closely about her life in the tradesman's house, and so their conversation followed a smoother course. Presently, half in jest, Hilliard mentioned Narramore's building projects. "But who knows?

The three young men consumed a good deal of wine, and after dinner strolled about the streets, until Narramore's fatigue and thirst brought them to a pause at a cafe on the Boulevard des Italiens. Birching presently moved apart, to reach a newspaper, and remained out of earshot while Narramore talked with his other friend. "What's going on?" he began. "What are you doing here?

She spoke in a low, soft voice, seldom raised her eyes, and manifested a new gentleness very touching to Hilliard, though at the same time, and he knew not how or why, it did not answer to his desire. A midday meal was in readiness for her; she pretended to eat, but in reality scarce touched the food. "You must taste old Narramore's port wine," said her entertainer.

He'll never carry it through; unless, as I said, Miss Birching takes the decisive step." "Is she the kind of girl to do that?" asked Eve, waking to curiosity. "I know nothing about her, except from Narramore's sleepy talk. Rather an arrogant beauty, according to him.

At Narramore's request, he mixed two tumblers of whisky toddy, then took a draught from his own, and returned to his former position. "Can't you sit down?" said Narramore. "No, I can't." "What a fellow you are! With nerves like yours, I should have been in my grave years ago. You're going to live, eh?" "Going to be a machine no longer. Can I call myself a man?