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Devar, perchance tempted by the word "Castle," quitted the car at Chepstow, and climbed to the nail-studded oak door of one of the most perfect examples of a Norman stronghold now extant.

Periscope A boxlike arrangement with two mirrors for looking over the top without exposing the napper. Persuader A short club with a nail-studded head. Pip squeak A German shell which makes that kind of noise when it comes over. Push up the daisies To be killed and buried. Ration party A party of men which goes to the rear and brings up rations for the front line.

This is always done to prevent the whiteness of the skin from showing under the flare lights. Also to distinguish your own men when you get to the Boche trench. Then we wrote letters and gave up our identification discs and were served with persuader sticks or knuckle knives, and with "Mills" bombs. The persuader is a short, heavy bludgeon with a nail-studded head.

The serving maid flitted on ahead, out through a deep, shadow-filled doorway into the dusk, down a long corridor and into the house again at an end which Kendric judged must be close to the flank of the mountain. Down a second hallway, to a heavy, nail-studded door which opened only when the little maid had knocked and called.

We'll wait till the others are inside and then just slide off. Mum's the word, though!" It was quite easy to loiter among the tombstones pretending to read the inscriptions, but the moment Miss Mitchell and her audience had safely passed through the porch and opened the big nail-studded door, the four confederates turned and fled.

The first is by far the more artistic, and it may be practised either from a boat, from the bank or from the bed of the river itself; in the last case the angler wades, wearing waterproof trousers or wading-stockings and stout nail-studded brogues. In either case the fishing is similar.

It is built against the old presidial, or ancient court of appeal, and people still call it the maison de justice. It boasts the conventional prison gateway, the solid-looking, nail-studded door, the low, worn archway which the better deserves the qualification "cyclopean," because the jailer's peephole or judas looks out like a single eye from the front of the building.

"Very little farther. Look!" The lights were held up, and they stopped short, for a few yards before them was a narrow, nail-studded door, very similar to the one leading into the chamber, but heavier looking, and with a great rusty bolt at top and bottom. "That's the end of it, then," said Fred. "I say, I know what it is. That's the vault where they used to bury the old Markhams."

Ye shall see how Glenuskie mocks at this same fine fancy of yours'; and he ran downstairs at no kingly pace, letting the heavy nail-studded door bang after him. 'He will never let us go, sighed Jean. 'You worked him into one of his tempers, returned Eleanor. 'You should have broached it to him more by degrees.