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Their outward appearance was in notable discord with that of the poet- politician he all new in the last fashions of Parisian elegance, and redolent of Parisian prosperity and extrait de Mousseline!

She summoned this Gerald and it was for the last time as she stood irresolutely waiting for her husband at the door of the ladies' cloak-room in the Town Hall. She was dressed in black mousseline de soie.

Out at the Pembertons' green gate she sees the tidy parlor maid come, in her smart shawl and new, bright ribbons; holding up her pretty printed mousseline dress with one hand, as she steps down upon the street, and so revealing the white hem of a clean starched skirt; while the other hand is occupied with the little Catholic prayer book and a folded handkerchief.

Hasluck was the type of woman to have escaped observation, even had the wedding been her own; that she was present at her daughter's, "becomingly dressed in grey veiling spotted white, with an encrustation of mousseline de soie," I learnt the next day from the Morning Post. Old Hasluck himself had to be fetched every time he was wanted.

She was dressed in rather a frippery of mousseline de soie, all cream-laced, with wide-hanging short sleeves, a large diamond at the low open neck, the ivory-brown skin there contrasting with the powdered bluish-white of her face, where, however, the freckles were not quite whited out; on her feet little pink satin slippers, without any stockings a divinely pale pink; and well back on her hair a plain thin circlet of gold; and she smelled like heaven, God knows.

Her dress, moreover, like Florine's, was of some exquisite stuff, unknown as yet to the public, a mousseline de soie, with which Camusot had been supplied a few days before the rest of the world; for, as owner of the Golden Cocoon, he was a kind of Providence in Paris to the Lyons silkweavers.

Bas blancs, Souilers de peau blanche a rubans rouges. Ceinture de cuir jaune a boucle de cuivre. Masque noir. Serre-tete noir. Mentonniere noire. Chapeau gris a queue de lievre. Batte. Collerette de mousseline. Jupe gris-perle. Souliers rouges bordes de noir. Manches et collerette de mousseline. Rayon de dentelle et touffe de rubans rose vif. Tablier blanc garni de dentelles.

When he rejoined his friends they went into the supper-room, where they found an elegant and luxurious feast laid; and the two fair old ladies, in their soft, plain, gray mousseline dresses and delicate lace caps, waiting to do the honors.

"A wrap made of passementerie and jet, with a mousseline de soie ruche about the neck held by a chou, would make it fascinating." "The committee on treachery is ready to report," said Delilah, rising from her corner, where she and Lucretia Borgia had been having so animated a discussion that they had failed to observe the others crowding about Cleopatra and the papers.

The actual economy of mousseline de laine, which needs no washing, has since injured the sale of cotton fabrics enough to revolutionize the Rouen manufactories. Thus dressed, she was very handsome. Her complexion, beautified by a bran-bath, was softly radiant.