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The chief of these we called Mojo, after his tribe, and the others are known as Jose and Fernando. Three white men, then, two half-breeds, one negro, and three Indians made up the personnel of the little expedition which lay waiting for its instructions at Manaos before starting upon its singular quest. At last, after a weary week, the day had come and the hour.

One of them, Gomez, had the further advantage that he could speak excellent English. These men were willing to act as our personal servants, to cook, to row, or to make themselves useful in any way at a payment of fifteen dollars a month. Besides these, we had engaged three Mojo Indians from Bolivia, who are the most skilful at fishing and boat work of all the river tribes.

"But why keep them?" asked Mary. "Mojo and Otinga are related to Etim's mother. They planned bad things against my boy. Obwe is related to Chief Akpo who has run away because he is guilty. Now if I let these others go will you build me a box Bwana Ovens?" "Yes, I will build you a box," said Mr. Ovens. "Please let the three go free, too," said Mary. "They have done you no wrong."

Ovens managed to take Mojo and Otinga to the mission house where they were safe. Again Mary pleaded for Obwe. Chief Edem was very angry. "Will you not have me honor my son? You have run off with my prisoners. I will burn down the mission house. I will send you back to Duke Town. Then you cannot trouble me any longer." "Brother, you do not speak wisely," said Ma Eme, E'dem's sister.

The assassin, who was in advance of the two others, fell upon Geronimo and gave him a sword-thrust which he supposed pierced his body; but a skilful movement parried the blow, and the aggressor himself fell with such force upon Geronimo's sword that the blade passed through his body. The assassin fell heavily, and in a plaintive voice, as though bidding adieu to life, exclaimed: "O mojo! I die!

"No, you must not let them go free," said Ekponyong. "If I want to let them go free, I can," said Chief Edem. "I am chief, don't forget that." "Show that you are a great and wise chief," said Mary. "Let them all go free." Chief Edem thought a while. Then he spoke. "If Bwana Ovens will make a fine box for my son then I will let all go free but Mojo, Otinga, and Obwe," said Chief Edem.