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"The gods of the State! Hush, friends! Cleon is listening!" "I, on the other hand," broke in Alcibiades, "believe that Athens is near her end. While we have been celebrating the victory of Salamis, the Spartans have risen and devastated the north. Megaris, Locris, Boeotia, and Phocis are already on her side."

V. Between Attica and Megaris we survey the Isle of Salamis the right to which we shall find contested both by Athens and the Megarians. VI. Turning our eyes now to the land, we may behold, bordering Attica from which a mountainous tract divides it the mythological Boeotia, the domain of the Phoenician Cadmus, and the birthplace of Polynices and Oedipus.

With the advantage of a quiet advent, as was quickly proven, he found no check for a notorious leave-taking. How a Minstrel Came Demetrios came to Megaris where Perion lay fettered in the Castle of San' Alessandro, then a new building.

Of the six States into which the Peloponnesus was divided, Achaia was the northernmost, and was celebrated for the Achæan league, composed of its principal cities, as well us Corinth, Sicyon, Phlius, Arcadia, Argolis, Laconia, Megaris, and other cities and States. It was the favorite residence of Pan, the god of shepherds, and its people were famed for their love of liberty and music.

For this romantic and very pretty girl had set King Theodoret to pestering Manuel with magniloquent offers of what Theodoret would do and give if only the rescuer of Megaris would put aside his ugly crippled wife and marry the King's lovely sister. Manuel laughed at him.

Beyond Megaris lay the territory of Corinth: its broad bay adapted it for commerce, of which it availed itself early; even in the time of Homer it was noted for its wealth. It was subdued by the Dorians, and for five generations the royal power rested with the descendants of Aletes , of the family of the Heraclidae.

More thanks to Bracciolini's precautions, these two got safely from the confines of San' Alessandro, and afterward from the city of Megaris. They trudged on a familiar road. Perion would have spoken, but Demetrios growled, "Not now, messire." They came by night to that pass in Sannazaro which Perion had held against a score of men-at-arms. Demetrios turned.

Demetrios and Perion, by the quick turn of fortune previously recorded, were allied against all Christendom. They got arms at the Hotel d'Ebelin, and they rode out of the city of Megaris, where the bonfires lighted over-night in Perion's honour were still smouldering, amid loud execrations. Fra Battista had not delayed to spread the news of King Theodoret's dilemma.

These men were bathed and perfumed and richly clad. A galley of the proconsul's fleet conveyed them toward Christendom and set the twoscore slaves of yesterday ashore not far from Megaris. The captain of the galley on departure left with Perion a blue napkin, wherein were wrapped large emeralds and a bit of parchment.

The burghers yelled menaces; but, knowing that an endeavour to constrain the passage of these champions would prove unwholesome for at least a dozen of the arrestors, they cannily confined their malice to a vocal demonstration. Demetrios rode unhelmeted, intending that these snarling little people of Megaris should plainly see the man whom they most feared and hated.