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Long live the first of May, the holiday of freemen!" The crowd drew closer. Pavel waved the flag. It spread out in the air and sailed forward, sunlit, smiling, red, and glowing. "Let us renounce the old world!" resounded Fedya Mazin's ringing voice; and scores of voices took up the cry. It floated as on a mighty wave. "Let us shake its dust from our feet."

I possess the art of transmuting common metals into gold: be ready at thy shop early in the morning, when I will meet thee. Farewell!" Having thus said, the old man took leave. Mazin's curiosity and ambition were raised: he shut up his shop sooner than usual, and returned with a full heart to his mother, to whom he communicated the offered kindness of the Hijjemmee.

On Mazin's upper lip two black streaks were limned, his face was fuller. Samoylov was just as curly-haired as before; and Ivan Gusev smiled just as broadly. "Ah, Fedka, Fedka!" whispered Sizov, drooping his head. The mother felt she could breathe more freely.

The slaves of Zobeide did not cease to admire Mazin's wife till she left the hummaum, and even followed her till she entered her own house, when dusk had begun to gloom, and they became apprehensive of their mistress's being displeased at their long absence, and so it happened.

The slaves of Zobeide did not cease to admire Mazin's wife till she left the hummaum, and even followed her till she entered her own house, when dusk had begun to gloom, and they became apprehensive of their mistress's being displeased at their long absence, and so it happened.

Mazin's mother prostrated herself, and kissed the feet of the sultana, who graciously raising her, said, "Am Mazin, our wish is that you introduce to me your son's wife, of whose beauty I have heard such a description, that I long to behold her."

I possess the art of transmuting common metals into gold: be ready at thy shop early in the morning, when I will meet thee. Farewell!" Having thus said, the old man took leave. Mazin's curiosity and ambition were raised: he shut up his shop sooner than usual, and returned with a full heart to his mother, to whom he communicated the offered kindness of the Hijjemmee.

The anchor was weighed, and the wind being fair, the ship was soon out of sight of the land Mazin's mother early in the morning returning to her house found the door open, her son missing, and the rooms ransacked of all her valuables.

When they reached the bath there were then in it some of the principal female slaves, attendants of Zobeide, who, on the entrance of Mazin's wife, were struck with her uncommon beauty, and instantly collecting round her, rapturously gazed upon her as she was undressing.

The sultana then said in anger, "Instantly inform me of the cause of your delay!" when they related the wonderful beauty of Mazin's wife, and dwelt so much upon her charms, that Zobeide was overcome by curiosity to behold them.