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I have been employed all this morning in executing some female commissions, which, of course, led me to milliners, mantua-makers, &c.

When winter comes they always take off their wings, and put them carefully away where the moths can not touch them chiefly in old nut-shells; then in spring, their mantua-makers and milliners, the caterpillars and spiders, get them out and put them in repair, or else make new ones. However, they all at last safely reached the forehead.

This last she mostly devised for herself with taste which was really a gift natural to her, but which seemed nothing less than miraculous to the maidens and wives of a parish which had its dressmaking done according to the canons of an art which the Misses Crumbcloth, mantua-makers at the Dullarg village, had learned twenty-five years before, once for all.

I do not know enough that is very certain; and I have other things to attend to besides overseeing mantua-makers." "Our seamstress could do it, if I could see her." "Very well, then some other seamstress can. Now, Daisy you may look at this." "What a beautiful thing! But what is it, Dr. Sandford?" "What does it look like?" "It does not look like anything that I ever saw."

I know that no little maids could ever have lived without dolls, not even the serious-minded daughters of the Pilgrims; but the only dolls that were advertised in colonial newspapers were the "London drest babys" of milliners and mantua-makers, that were sent over to serve as fashion plates for modish New England dames.

She cooks his dinner, nurses his children, shares his hardships, and encourages his industry. She never complains of having too much work to do, she does not desert her home to make endless visits she borrows no misfortunes, has no imaginary ailings. Milliners and mantua-makers she ignores "shopping" she never heard of scandal she never invents or listens to.

She was gravely intent upon looking as well as she could, not upon estimating how well she looked. The examination was satisfactory. Perhaps a woman more habituated to silk gowns and mantua-makers would have found small wrinkles in sleeve or shoulder; but Eliza was pleased. If the gown was not perfect, it was as good a one as she was in the habit of seeing, even upon gala occasions.

Also a father-in-law who will be at the kind trouble of paying your college fees till you are quite ready to marry his daughter. It is a thing not much practised among gentlefolk, but, what with being so much with your mantua-makers, you will doubtless not know any better!"