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Puffington took the Mangeysterne, now the Hanby hounds, because he thought they would give him consequence. Not that he was particularly deficient in that article; but being a new man in the county, he thought that taking them would make him popular, and give him standing.

He put his name down for fifty to the Mangeysterne hounds without ever being asked; which reminds us that we ought to be directing our attention to that noble establishment. It is hard to have to go behind the scenes of an ill-supported hunt, and we will be as brief and tender with the cripples as we can.

'Hearing, sir, you had taken these Mangeysterne dogs, sir, continued the stranger, with rather a significant emphasis on the word 'dogs' 'hearing, sir, you had taken these Mangeysterne dogs, sir, it occurred to me that possibly I might be useful to you, sir, in your new calling, sir; and if you were of the same opinion, sir, why, sir, I should be glad to negotiate a connexion, sir.

Great was the joy diffused throughout the Mangeysterne country when it transpired, through the medium of his valet, Louis Bergamotte, that 'his lor' had beaucoup habit rouge' in his wardrobe.

All those, however, who have had anything to do with subscription lists and in these days of universal testimonializing who has not? well know that pounds upon paper and pounds in the pocket are very different things. Above all Puff felt that he was a new man in the country, and that taking the hounds would give him weight. The 'Mangeysterne dogs' then began to 'look up'; Mr.

A meeting of the Mangeysterne hunt was called at the sign of the Thirsty Freeman in Swillingford Sir Charles Figgs, Knight a large-promising but badly paying subscriber in the chair, when it was proposed and carried unanimously that Mr. Puffington was eminently qualified for the mastership of the hunt, and that it be offered to him accordingly.

The Mangeysterne hounds wanted that great ingredient of prosperity, a large nest-egg subscriber, to whom all others could be tributary paying or not as might be convenient. The consequence was they were always up the spout. They were neither a scratch pack nor a regular pack, but something betwixt and between.