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On the morning of the day on which they left his establishment, M'Carroll came into the workshop while they were about bidding farewell to their companions, with whom they had lived abating the three or four pranks that were played off upon Art on good and friendly terms, and seeing that they were about to take their departure, he addressed them as follows:

He might, therefore, probably have spoken, but that his pride dreaded a repulse, and that he could not bear to contemplate. This, joined to the natural diffidence of youth, sufficiently accounts for his silence. There lived, at the period of which we write, which is not a thousand years ago, at a place called "the Corner House," a celebrated carpenter named Jack M'Carroll.

"I solemnly and meritoriously, and soberly swear, that a single tumbler of whiskey punch shall not cross my lips during the twenty-four hours of the day, barring twelve, the locality of which is as followeth: "Imprimis Two tumblers at home, 2 Secundo Two more ditto at my son Dan's, 2 Tertio Two more ditto behind my own garden, 2 Quarto One ditto at the Reverend Father Mulcahy's, 1 Quinto Two more ditto at Frank M'Carroll s, of Kilclay, 2 Sexto One ditto wid ould Bartle Gorman, of Cargah, 1 Septimo Two more ditto wid honest Roger M'Gaugy, of Nurchasey, 2 ==== 12 N.B. Except in case any Docthor of Physic might think it right and medical to ordher me more for my health; or in case I could get Father Mulcahy to take the oath off of me for a start, at a wedding, or a christening, or at any other meeting of friends where there's drink.

Divil a one but that's a good thought!" "There it is in black an' white. Who comes next? Frank M'Carroll. He's a farmer. I'll put down a spade an' a harrow. Well, that's done two tumblers." "I won't mistake that, aither. It's clear enough." "Bartle Gorman's of Cargah. Bartle's a little lame, an' uses a staff wid a cross on the end that he houlds in his hand.

He accordingly sent an intimation to his master that he wished to have a few minutes' conversation with him, if he could spare time; M'Carroll accordingly came, and found him in a state which excited the worthy man's compassion. "Well, Art," said he, "what is it you wish to speak to me about? I hear you were drunk last night.