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As for their orderlies, they soon made love to our Indian maidens, and there is every reason to believe that the interlopers obtained all necessary comforts, after all. So all went well enough in the two menages. Indeed, an entente cordiale between the population of Mexico and the French army was rapidly established. In a few days the place assumed an unwonted aspect of cheerfulness and festivity.

You can in those extraordinary ménages in France where the little mistress is so domesticated and lives with her lover for years, but that would have been as bad to him as marriage. So I thought it was best to let it all come to an end.

What brick and mortar idylls, what romances au cinquième, what joyous epithalamiums, what gay improvident ménages, what kisses, what laughter, what tears, what lightly-spoken and lightly-broken vows those old walls could have told of!

At Lord Bolton's house he met polished and intellectual society, and all that smoothness in ministering to the lower wants in eating and drinking which seems to provide that the right thing shall always be at the right place at the right time, so that the want of it shall never impede for an instant the feast of wit or reason; while, if he went to the houses of his friends, men of the same college and standing as himself, who had been seduced into early marriages, he was uncomfortably aware of numerous inconsistencies and hitches in their menages.

To assist in the billeting of British battalions in French villages, to conduct negotiations with the canny countryfolk for food and fodder, to mollify angry housewives whose ménages have been upset by boisterous Tommies billeted upon them, to translate messages of every description, to interrogate peasants suspected of espionage these are only a few of the duties which the liaison officers are called upon to perform.

"Vautrin" La Revue Parisienne Societe des Gens-de-Lettres Balzac leaves Les Jardies, and goes to the Rue Basse, Passy Death of M. de Hanski "Les Ressources de Quinola" "La Comedie Humaine" Balzac goes to St. Petersburg to meet Madame Hanska Her reasons for deferring the marriage. The sad fate of "L'Ecole des Menages" did not long discourage Balzac.

They accepted this in place of Balzac's play, and "L'Ecole des Menages," of which the only copy extant is in the possession of the Vicomte de Spoelberch de Lovenjoul, has never been acted. Balzac was in terrible trouble about the rejection of the drama from which he had hoped so much. I shall certainly require rest at Frapesle.