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I came back, rich in gold, my heart full of happiness, hope making everything bright and beautiful. I went straight to Knutsford alas! she was no longer there! And then I heard that the girl I loved so deeply and so dearly was Lord Earle's daughter. "I did not dream of losing her; birth, title, and position seemed as nothing beside my mighty, passionate love.

I ought to have looked on her beautiful face and left her. My lord, am I altogether to blame? The lonely young girl at Knutsford pined for what I could give her happiness and pleasure did not seem so far removed from me. Had she been in her proper place I could never have addressed her.

And if ever we are told by the flippancy of scepticism that "Religion is a disease," then we can point to him who, down to the very verge of ninety years, displayed a fulness of vigorous and manly life beyond all that we had ever known. The Hollands spring from Mobberley, in Cheshire, and more recently from the town of Knutsford, familiar to all lovers of English fiction as "Cranford."

She was soon seated at her little desk, where she speedily wrote the following cold letter, that almost drove Hugh Fernely mad: "My dear Hugh, Have you really returned? I thought you were lost in the Chinese Seas, or had forgotten the little episode at Knutsford. I can not see you just yet. As you have heard, Lord Earle has peculiar notions I must humor them.