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Get yourself planted in God's garden, and learn to GROW. Woo the sun of life, which is love, and the breeze which is enthusiasm, an impulse from that same creative Spirit, which, brooding upon the primeval waters, out of void brought fulness, and out of chaos a world. "Hegel's centrum war ein blos denkendes, auf öder Heide spekulirendes, kleines, suffisantes, selbstgenügsames Ichlein."

What is his name? 'His name is Herschel. 'Yes, says Willie, 'William James Herschel. 'Ach, mem Gott! das nicht möglich; ist dieser kleines neffeu's sohn? And so it all came out; and when I came to her all was understood, and we sat down and talked as quietly as if we had parted but yesterday."

The acting throughout was artistic, Professor Bernhardi impersonated by Bruno Decarli, and Father Reder by Alfred Abel, the latter a subtle characterisation. The "team play" of the Kleines Theatre company was seen at its best in the third act, where the directors hold a stormy meeting. It was the perfection of ensemble work.

"Es kleines Frauchen," she whispered to him; and he seemed to understand. For a moment, towards the evening, she went into another room, but was immediately called back; she saw at a glance that a ghastly change had taken place. As she knelt by the bed, he breathed deeply, breathed gently, breathed at last no more.

Ever since I heard and saw Agnes Sorma in Liebele, I have admired the dramatic writings of Arthur Schnitzler, and, remember, that charming, withal sad, little play was written in 1895. I haven't seen all his works, but I have read many. The latest adapted into English for the American stage is the Anatol one-act cyclus , and his new play I witnessed at the Kleines Theatre, Berlin.

I shall never forget the performance of "The Night Asylum, Nachtasyl," which I saw acted in Munich by one of the best stock companies in the world, a combination of players from the "Neues" and "Kleines" theaters in Berlin.

I have heard applause for Tree at His Majesty's in London, for Schroth at the Kleines in Berlin, for Féraudy at the Comédie Française, for Skinner at the Knickerbocker and it was stentorian applause and sincere but I have never heard applause like the applause of the audience of these drabber halls.