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"Yas, suh, yas, suh," Peter went on, "an' 'member dat time you an' young Mars Jim Wilson went huntin' and fishin' up de country tergether, an' got ti'ed er waitin' on yo'se'ves an' writ back fer me ter come up ter wait on yer and cook fer yer, an' ole Marster say he did n' dare ter let me go 'way off yander wid two keerliss boys lak you-all, wid guns an' boats fer fear I mought git shot, er drownded?"

"You can make it fifty just as easy," said Turner. "Niggers are all just a passell o' black fools. Bud would 'a' b'en out now, if it hadn't be'n for me. I bought him fer six months. I kept close watch of him for the first five, and then along to'ds the middle er the las' month I let on I'd got keerliss, an' he run away.

Ochiltree, and he was a murderous villain, whoever he may be. To quote Josh would destroy the effect of his story, we know he never harmed any one but himself" "An' a few keerliss people w'at got in my way," corrected Josh. "He has been in court several times for fighting, and that's against him. To have been at Sam Taylor's place is against Sandy, too, rather than in his favor.

I never moles's no w'ite man, 'less 'n he moles's me fus'. But w'en de ole 'oman dies, doctuh, an' I gits a good chance at dat w'ite man, dere ain' no use talkin', suh! dere's gwine ter be a mix-up, an' a fune'al, er two fune'als er may be mo', ef anybody is keerliss enough to git in de way."