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For aught I knew she might now be travelling under escort to Umgungundhlovu, as I was travelling to Natal. The morning came at last, and that day, about noon, we reached a ford of the Tugela which luckily was quite passable. Here Kambula bade me farewell, saying that his mission was finished. Also he delivered to me a message that I was to give from Dingaan to the English in Natal.

Why did you not kill him, Kambula, although it is true he does not look very terrible?" "Because the king's word was that I should bring him to the king living," answered Kambula. Then he added cheerfully: "Still, if the king wishes it, I can kill him at once." "I don't know," said Dingaan doubtfully; "perhaps he can mend guns."

Kambula and Gingihlovo had shown how British troops, when steady, could defeat great masses of the enemy; and it was inexplicable to all why a British force of some 15,000 men could remain for weeks inactive within but four days' march of the stronghold of the enemy.

As I advanced to the wagons accompanied by Kambula and his two companions, I saw that Marais, in a state of great excitement, was engaged in haranguing the two Prinsloo men and Meyer, while the Vrouw Prinsloo and Marie appeared to be attempting to calm him. "They are unarmed," I heard him shout. "Let us seize the black devils and hold them as hostages."

"I am the child of George," I answered, "and if you think it necessary to make me fast, do so." Now the Zulus burst out laughing. "You! Why, you are but a boy who weighs no more than a fat girl," exclaimed their captain, a great, bony fellow who was named Kambula. "That may be so," I answered; "but sometimes the wisdom of their fathers dwells in the young.

Then, before Kambula had time to take any offence, I shook his outstretched hand and urged my horse into the stream. I never met Kambula again living, though after the battle of Blood River I saw him dead.