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You'll find that she hasn't been spoiled at all." "Then, if Kit has been riding her, she's all right, for if there ever was a horseman it's Kit." "Isn't she getting fierce?" said a quiet voice behind them. "Say, she's getting to be one of these regular society jolliers. She didn't used to be that way." They wheeled around to see Kit, who had come up to them in his usual quiet manner.

"You leave that feller to me," Pee-wee said. "I can handle Roy Blakeley and all his patrol and they're a lot of jolliers they think they're so smart." "I like you better than all of them," Pepsy said. "Sometimes I'm kept after school too, you can ask Miss Bellison." "One thing sure, I like you well enough to be partners with you," Pee-wee said. "Do you want me to tell you something?

"Let's talk about the races." "Yas, by Jawve!" drawled Willis Paulding, who tried to be "deucedly English" in everything. "Let's talk about the races, deah boys. That's what interests me, don't yer know." Hartwick squirmed. He knew what was coming, and still his disposition was such that he could not resist a "jolly" in case the jolliers expressed opinions that did not agree with his own.

"Say, little one, I want your telephone number when I get back to New York." "I'll be pleased to have you call me up, Mr. Arnheim." "Will I call you up? Well, rather!" "I know some nice girls I'll introduce you to." He looked at her insinuatingly. "I know one nice girl, and that's enough," he said. "Aw, Mr. Arnheim, of all the jolliers I ever knew you got 'em beat."

All day long they ran a zigzag course, taking a long cut to France, as Pete Connigan would have said, the general tension relieved by the emergency drills, manning the boats and so forth. In the afternoon hours of respite from his duties he met Frenchy, whose patience had been a little tried by some of Uncle Sam's crack jolliers, and they sat down on the top step of a companionway and talked.