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Updated: August 3, 2024
Your jiffies are consid'able like golden opportunities, there ain't more 'n one of 'em in a lifetime!" and having shot this Parthian arrow Samantha departed, as one having done her duty in that humble sphere of action to which it had pleased Providence to call her. These were beautiful autumn days at the White Farm.
In short, having given a general discharge of their artillery, and three cheers, I cracked my whip, away we went, helter skelter, and in six jiffies I found myself and all my retinue safe and in good spirits just at the rock of Gibraltar.
It did taste good even if it was strong, and it warmed him all the way down under the blue jumper, and the Forty White Horses stopped their galloping, and while the men were hitching the mules up again, and the "Mary Ellen" was drifting through the lower pair of gates out of the Lock, he fell fast asleep. He must have slept for a whole lot of jiffies.
"Supper it is, sir, in a brace of jiffies," replied the old sailor, as he stepped on deck, and he was in the act of turning to his left to go below to the galley, when he stopped short and uttered a warning cry. "The guns the guns!" he yelled. Too late.
He's got a pretty nice way with him, Rance has, and I guess if he came along now with his sorrel pacer and says to you, 'Come on, Miss Thornley, you would get on that boot and stocking in two jiffies and be off with him like any young girl!" Miss Thornley mumbled a denial, and an angry light shone in her pale blue eyes. Mrs.
"W'y, Maud!" said the little girl, "you said you didn't want to when Ed " Mrs. Welsh silenced her, and said: "Run right along, dear; it's just the nicest time o' day. Are there many teams out?" "They're just beginning t' come out," said Albert. "I'll have a cutter around here in about two jiffies; be on hand, sure."
Welsh silenced her, and said: "Run right along, dear; it's just the nicest time o' day. Are there many teams out?" "They're just beginning to come out," said Albert. "I'll have a cutter around here in about two jiffies; be on hand, sure." Troutt was standing in the sunny doorway of his stable when the young fellow dashed up to him. "Hullo, Uncle Troutt!
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