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"What you saw is something which the Baron wished to be kept secret." "I reckon so, though why in thunder " "Then keep it secret " "But, mercy sakes! I saw nothing, not a thing, boys, save two picters and a few old sticks of furniture. An' seeing that things was O.K., I shet the door, but doggone it! the cussed key wouldn't lock it. Nex' morning the Baron found it open, and, Jeeroosalem!

"Lassie," he said, turning to Constance when the benediction had been given, "won't ye sing a leetle?" "Yes," came the reply, "what would you like?" "Thar's a hymn me mother uster sing very often, an' it's mighty fine. It begins this way, 'Jeeroosalem, the golden. I've sung it meself out on the hills."

Suddenly there came a still sharper jerk, and the cable split. The balloon seemed to leap upwards, swerved like a frightened bird, and then, caught by the wind, sailed upward and seaward, swooping on with a paradoxically smooth yet uneven flight. "Jeeroosalem!" ejaculated our aeronaut. Then he added coolly enough: "Sit tight; you'll none of you be the worse for this little trip."

"Perfessor!" said Dan, "I want you to hev a look at me." The Professor looked at him. "My young friend," he said genially, "you're worth looking at. Do you drink water?" "When I can't git nothing else," replied Dan. "Water it is, and lots of it, except when I strike town." "If you must drink water," said the Professor with authority, "have it distilled." "Jeeroosalem!" exclaimed Dan.