United States or Bangladesh ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Very good, sir," replied Midshipman Salisbury, in measured tones. Again the inter-change of salutes, after which Midshipman Salisbury led Dave and Dan to an outer office. "Wait here," directed the midshipman briefly, "I'll let you know when it's time to go to the Board Room." Five minutes later the midshipman again approached them. By this time there were seven more candidates in the room.

In its servicable common forms it is the indispensable daily servant of our lives; in its nobler flights as a great art no means of human inter-change goes so far. In these brief limits we can touch but lightly on some phases of so great a subject; and will rest the case mainly on the effect of an exclusively masculine handling of the two fields of history and fiction.

And in the coming years when the reading public will, in the case of the Western nations, be practically the whole functional population, when travel will be more extensive and abundant, and the inter-change of printed matter still cheaper and swifter and above all with the spread of the telephone the process of subtle, bloodless, unpremeditated annexation will conceivably progress much more rapidly even than it does at present.

I have often thought that there ought, on this account, to be far greater freedom and frequency in the inter-change of visits than there is. Next, however, to a visit to a school, comes the reading of a vivid description of it. I do not mean a cold, theoretical exposition of the general principles of its management and instruction, for these are essentially the same in all good schools.