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"Judicavique te bello violari, contra cujus honorem, populi Romani beneficio concessum, inimici atque invidi niterentur. Sed ut eo tempore non modo ipse fautor dignitatis tuae fui, verum etiam caeteris auctor ad te adjuvandum, sic me nunc Pompeii dignitas vehementer movet," etc. Cicero to Caesar, enclosed in a letter to Atticus, ix. 11. Enclosed to Atticus, viii. 11.

William Bradford in Philadelphia, under the auspices of "a Society of Gentlemen," who declare themselves to be "veritatis cultores, fraudis inimici," but who probably found themselves unequal to the difficulties of such a position, the Magazine having expired just one year after its birth.

He tempteth us by the world, he tempteth us by our own flesh; he tempteth us by pleasure, he tempteth us by pain; he tempteth us by our foes, he tempteth us by our own friends and, under colour of kindred, he maketh many times our nearest friends our most foes. For, as our Saviour said, "Inimici hominis domestici eius."

When Patrick observed this thing the rising up against him of the pagans he cried out with a loud voice, and said: "Et exurget Deus et dissipentur inimici ejus, et fugiant qui oderunt eum a facie ejus, sicut defecit fumus deficit sic deficiant sicut fluit caera a facie ignis; sic pereint peccatorus facie Domini."

Special verses may be drawn out of the psalter, against the devil's wicked temptations as, for example, "Exsurgat Deus et dissipentur inimici eius, et fugiant qui oderunt eum a facie eius," and many others which in such horrible temptation are pleasing to God and to the devil very terrible.

Vade retro, Sathanas, I will shake off the dust of my feet against thee," another arrow stuck in his frock "thou shalt share the fate of Sodom, yea of Gomorrha; in manus inimici trado te;" by this time his words were inaudible; and he departed, not having accomplished much good, but having nevertheless informed Redwald of two great facts the first, that Elfric's return was blazed abroad; the second, that his own identity was more than suspected.

At the end of this passage, and through the partition, was a door leading into the ben, or inner chamber of the cottage, and when Roland Graeme's hand was upon the latch of this door, a female voice pronounced, "Benedictus qui veniat in nomine Domini, damnandus qui in nomine inimici."