United States or Aruba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Several of the steps required to make the conversion from man to superman had resulted in temporary insanity; the wild, swinging imbalances of glandular secretions seeking a new balance, the erratic misfirings of neurons as they attempted to adjust to higher nerve-impulse velocities, and the sheer fatigue engendered by cells which were acting too rapidly for a lagging excretory system, all had contributed to periods of greater or lesser mental abnormality.

Nowhere is this more evident than in his cavalier public utterances regarding America's current account deficit. As opposed to other, smaller countries, America's deficits have far reaching consequences and constitute global, rather than domestic, imbalances. The more integrated in the global marketplace a country is the harsher the impact of American profligacy on its economy.

They feed off market failures, market imbalances, arbitrage opportunities, shortages and inefficiencies. Many post-Communist countries have either made the provision of such services a part of their economic life or are about to do so. Free zones, off shore havens, off shore banking and transshipment ports proliferate, from Macedonia to Archangelsk.

If so, she surmised, Hilda's mood was a combination of hormonal imbalances and withdrawal symptoms from dopamine not arriving in the pleasure receptors of her brain in quantities commensurate with that earlier experience. Hilda feigned a more pleasant smile despite herself. "Engaged as we are in contemplative leisure."

Happiness and unhappiness in marriage should be examined from the standpoint of endocrine compatibility or incompatibility. Likewise those divorced or about to be divorced. The correction of endocrine defects, disturbances, imbalances and instabilities, before mating, presents another field.

The CFA franc zone is remarkably diverse ethnically, lingually, culturally, politically, and economically. The euro has indirectly affected the CFA as well. "The Economist" reported recently a shortage of small denomination CFA franc notes. But this is the minor problem. The CFA franc is at risk due to internal imbalances among the economies of the zone. Their growth rates differ markedly.

Inflation coupled with low or negative interest rates also tends to exacerbate perilous imbalances by encouraging excess borrowing, for instance. Still, the absolute level of inflation may be less important than its volatility.

We have given strong support to the innovative steps being taken by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to help promote early adjustment to the difficult international economic problems. Recent agreement to increase quotas by fifty percent will ensure the IMF has sufficient resources to perform its central role in promoting adjustment and financing payments imbalances.

Only in 2003, the unwinding of these imbalances is projected by the IMF to shave 3 percentage points off America's growth rate. But are the twin budget and current account deficits the inevitable outcomes of American fiscal dissipation and imports run amok or a simple reflection of America's unrivalled attractiveness to investors, traders, and businessmen the world over?

We have given strong support to the innovative steps being taken by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to help promote early adjustment to the difficult international economic problems. Recent agreement to increase quotas by fifty percent will ensure the IMF has sufficient resources to perform its central role in promoting adjustment and financing payments imbalances.