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But the plan was a curiously stupid one, for nothing could satisfactorily explain Major Counsellor's presence there, since it was well known to the British Legation in Révonde that he was entering, not leaving Maäsau. Selpdorf stood silent. Here was another ill-devised amendment born of Count Sagan's blundering brain. 'It is a very strange story, he said at length.

And the worst of it is, there are ignorant people who say that this is perfection, and that anything beyond this is affected refinement. And then if we turn to sacred dramas what miracles they invent in them! What apocryphal, ill-devised incidents, attributing to one saint the miracles of another!

Such an ill-devised machine would have worked well enough for a time, if the Union Government could have attached to itself popular sentiments of honour and loyalty. But the sentiments were not there; and it worked badly. When once we were reconciled to a defeat which proved good for us, it became a tradition among English writers to venerate the American Revolution.

I announced to you the result of a great battle; but, thanks to the ill-devised schemes of the enemy, I was enabled to secure the wished-for result without incurring any danger, and, what is unexampled in the history of nations, that result has been gained at the sacrifice of scarcely fifteen hundred men killed and wounded.

Warren's Profession" intolerable is just the most useless, ill-devised, and literally preposterous with which this tremendous problem can be mocked. This leads us to another point. It is that the means of our education, other than the schools, are also prejudiced by prudery.

On this supposition, vacillating syntax, and improbable incident had a certain pathos for us, like the extremely supererogatory pincushions and ill-devised nightcaps that are offered for sale by a blind man.

And the worst of it is, there are ignorant people who say that this is perfection, and that anything beyond this is affected refinement. And then if we turn to sacred dramas what miracles they invent in them! What apocryphal, ill-devised incidents, attributing to one saint the miracles of another!

And the worst of it is, there are ignorant people who say that this is perfection, and that anything beyond this is affected refinement. And then if we turn to sacred dramas what miracles they invent in them! What apocryphal, ill-devised incidents, attributing to one saint the miracles of another!

Her round, rosy cheeks, blue eyes, and pouting lips gave her a cherubic contour which was comically at variance with her little tilted nose; but she was pretty, in spite of her singularly ill-devised and ill-fitting costume of green flannel. Reclining in the armchair next her, the Margaret who was called Rita was a startling contrast to the rosy Peggy.

As I live, 'twas not ill-devised for a madman's brain! ... and so solemn a ranter should serve your Majesty to make merriment withal, in place of my poor Zabastes, whose peevish jests grow somewhat stale owing to the Critic's chronic want of originality!