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I moves that th' idee's done died a-bornin', an' that we bury her. All that agrees, say so; any agin it, say so, 'n' then git their guns an' come outside." There were no dissenting votes. Lee's motion was unanimously carried. "Lee's plumb right," whispered McTigh; "that kid's got it harder an' worse than airy feller I ever heerd tell of, too hard for us to lite in stringin' him 'bout it.

"Seein' is believin', of a sartainty; ahs! me and some of us may see these things sooner than we thought. I comprehind your meanin' about Tamenund's father, Sarpent, and the idee's a close idee. Tamenund is now an elderly man, say eighty every day of it, and his father was scalped, and tormented, and burnt, when the present prophet was a youngster.

We looked at each other and at Lincoln, all panting and pale. "Stumped at last!" cried the hunter, gritting his teeth with fury. "No!" I shouted, a thought at that moment flashing upon me. "Follow me, comrades! We'll fight the bloodhounds upon the cliff." I pointed upward. A yell from Lincoln announced his approval. "Hooray!" he cried, leaping on the bank; "that idee's jest like yer, Cap. Hooray!

"Beg pardon, gentlemen," he said, speaking as if huffed, "have I said something stoopid?" "Tell him, Val," cried Denham; and I explained why we laughed. "Oh, I see," he said good-humouredly. "I thought I was being laughed at. Well, I don't know, Mr Denham, sir; I don't think the idee's quite so wild as you fancy." "Oh, it's impossible, Sergeant." "No, sir, begging your pardon, it isn't.