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Here were the relics left by people who had sought to spread out to safety, to find old goals of freedom from fear. Several times in Syrtis, Huth and Nelsen descended, using a barren hillock or an isolated spot of desert as a landing area. That was when Nelsen first heard the buzzing of the growths.

"I meet the new arrivals," he said. "If you'll come along with me, Mr. Nelsen..." He was dark, and medium large, and he had a genial way. He looked like a hopper an asteroid-miner the tough, level-headed kind that adjusts to space and keeps his balance. "Name's Ed Huth," he continued, as they walked to the reception dome. "Canadian. Good, international crowd here however long you mean to stay.

His Marchyniss, the lovely & ecomplisht Emily de St. Cornichon, quitted this mortial spear very soon after she had presented her lord with the two little dawling Cherrybins above dixcribed, in whomb, after the loss of that angle his wife, the disconslit widderer found his only jy on huth.

"Of course you know that you don't have to get caught like that poor bloke did," Huth said dryly. "Just not to disinfect the outside of your Archer well enough and then leave it near you, indoors, is sufficient. I was here before there was any trouble. When it came, it was a shambles..." Huth eyed Nelsen for a moment, then continued on another tack.

"No sleeping out," Huth laughed. "That's just where people get careless. There are plenty of quarters available since the retreat of settlers almost emptied this world of terrestrial intrusion except for us here and the die-hard desert rats, and the new, screwball adventurers... By the way, if it ever becomes important, the deserts are safe at least from what you just saw as you probably know..."

There still are helicopter patrols watching for signs of a long list of missing people, and keeping tabs on late comers who might turn out to be screwballs. You look as though you might be Ed's type for that kind of work... I'll have to go, now, Frank. Duty in half an hour..." Huth was grinning at him a little later. "This department doesn't like men who have a vanished friend, Nelsen," he said.