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"Hus-s-sh! my dear sair; not so loud, if you please," answered Lobo, hastily leaving his boat and coming half-way up the gangway ladder again. "Dere is a leetl' creek about two mile pas' de point, on de nort' bank of de river.

"Come and see the lagoon in the moonlight." He drew down the lamp and blew it out, and followed her into the night, more lovely than he had ever imagined night to be. There was only one sound the fall of the sea upon the main beach, and even that said: "Hush! Hush! Hus-s-sh!" Not a leaf stirred, not a shadow moved. The great gray boles of the palms reminded him of some fabulous Grecian temple.

Robinson. paused before entering the wood. He put fresh caps on his revolver. "Now, George," said he, in a low voice, "we couldn't sleep in this wood without having our throats cut, but before night I'll be out of danger or in my grave, for life is not worth having in the midst of enemies. Hush! hus-s-sh! You must not speak to me but in a whisper." "No!" whispered George.

And these fishers get their wages, but still they give their lives for your convenience just as the dog and the pony do." "Yes, yes. But come to the hospital ship. You dance round as if you were a light-weight boxer sparring for breath." "Hus-s-sh! I won't have it.

They at once found the retreat a perfect windbreak, and became comfortable all hugging together "like a nestful of owlets," Helen said, and all declared themselves as "warm as toast." But the wind howled mournfully through the wood, and the snow sifted down with a strange, mysterious "hush hush hus-s-sh" that made them feel creepy.